Quick history.. well..
I’ll try to make it quick. I tend to like to write. :) <3
I was adopted 5 days after I was born. My adoptive parents were Ron and Marlene Montgomery of Ellsworth, Kansas. My dad was a pharmacist and mom was a school teacher until they got married when she quit that to try to have kids and worked with dad at the F&M Drug store in Ellsworth.
I was adopted through Catholic Charities. June Ella Bruce (married name now Lind) gave me up for adoption. She says that she and Johnny were going to get married, but of course that all changed after the accident. She chose to give me up for adoption. She never even got to hold me. She spent 18 years thinking I was a boy. She got married and had a son, Tony. I met him after he turned 18, he’s just 3 years younger than me. He now treats me like any brother treats a sister. He picks on me. LOL
I grew up. My adoptive parents were good people. I was not abused and never wanted for anything. If anything, I was spoiled. (I had an adopted brother, we were pals, then we were enemies – teen years I swear he followed me everywhere – then we were pals again. LOL Typical childhood)
I met June when I turned 18. Kansas has an open records act so I had also sent off for my birth certificate from the state. Meanwhile she had contacted Catholic Charities who contacted my folks. My parents came and asked me if I wanted to meet her and I broke it to them that I already had my birth certificate. A meeting was set up. We met. It was awesome. So sad when I heard about Johnny. It still makes her cry to talk about him.
I worked for my folks at F&M Drug, finished school and went to college. (I wanted to be a Chemist, but I was told by my High School counselors that Girls weren’t chemists… so do Journalism instead) So I went to journalism school, starting at Ft. Hays and then move to KSU. Between Ft. Hays and K-State I discovered I didn’t like the competitiveness of journalism so I was encouraged to teach instead.
I did the teaching thing and cared too much about the kids, rocked the boat too much and never earned a second year contract.
In 1996 I went to Germany with my husband. He was military. I taught there for a year and then got pregnant. Had some issues. One stillborn and 2 miscarriages before I had my miracle son. Had 2 more losses after that, miscarriages. I am so blessed that my son survived.
My ex went to war. When he came back, he was a different person. We both changed. We divorced and he remarried. She was horrible. That didn’t last long (although long enough for a daughter and twins) before he left her. At that point, my son started living with me full time. My ex and I became friends again, but we both agreed that we were better at being friends. He met another lady, got married and had 3 more kids. Meanwhile, I met Thorik online in 2007, we got married in 2008 and next year will be our 10th anniversary!
Thorik has been a great step-dad and my ex even likes him. My ex remarried again about 3 years ago. His new wife is fantastic. She really grounds him. We all like her and my son has been spending his summers with them. At first they were in Arizona but now they’ve moved to Montana. They are really happy.
My son is a senior this year. I can’t believe he graduates in May 2018. I would love to send you invitation when I get them made, but I don’t want you to feel obliged to come or anything, but I do want to show off his handsome senior pictures. The online versions just don’t do him justice. Don’t worry, I’ll just send a coupla wallet sized ones so you can do whatever with them. LOL