Something I hope I never have to do.
That’s tough.
One thing I hope I never have to do is give up. I don’t want to give up on the human race, I don’t want to give up on friends, I don’t want to give up on family.
But that’s pretty general. No one wants to have to give up on anything.
The other big thing. I pray and hope and beg and *cross fingers* and *knock on wood*
I never ever want to bury my son.
Children should never die before their parents.
Other than that, I think I can handle most anything, especially on a lighter note:
I do hope I don’t have to kill best friends after they become zombies, but if they are stupid enough to get infected. *grin*
Blessed Be.
I most sincerely hope I never lose another dear friend to death. I still miss Pete…RIP