The Egyptian goddess Sekhmet went on a slaughterous rampage, killing all who crossed her path. Many pots of beer colored red to look like blood were set out for the goddess in an attempt to get her to slake her thrist with them and not more victims. She drank all the beer and fell asleep and when she awoke, her rage was gone and she didn’t feel like killing everyone anymore.
Another Egyptian goddess of note is Maat. She oversees Justice and Truth. Her mythologies show that she can be a powerful aid but she is so devoted to justice that she sometimes rules against those who call on her for help if they themselves are untrue.
The Hindu goddess Kali is known as the Goddess of Destruction. Primarily, she opposes ignorance and will obliterate those who refuse to use knowledge. In one myth, she was sent to do battle with a demon the other gods could not stop. She stopped the foe, but also got drunk on his blood and then went on a killing spree of her own. That’s why she’s most often depicted with a necklace of severed heads and a belt of limbs. She was stopped by her own husband, Shiva, who threw himself under her feet to get her attention.
The Celts had a lot of warrior goddesses. One of the greatest was Morrigan, a goddess of death, destruction, prophecy, war and passionate love. She was a triple goddess along with Badb and Macha. In that guise, Morrigan was “venom” to spur men on, Badb was “fury” and Macha was “battle” itself.