The Blessed Buddha once said:
Bhikkhus, if one should call anything a heap of the disadvantage, then
it is the five hindrances that one could rightly call this. For these are
verily only a heap of evil disadvantage, these five mental hindrances…
What five?
1: The Mental Hindrance of Desire for Sensing…
2: The Mental Hindrance of Aversion & Ill-Will…
3: The Mental Hindrance of Lethargy & Laziness…
4: The Mental Hindrance of Restlessness & Regret…
5: The Mental Hindrance of Doubt & Uncertainty…
If one were call anything a hoard of the disadvantage, then it is about
these five hindrances that one could rightly say this. Since indeed are
these five mental hindrances an immense mountain of damage & loss!!!
If, Bhikkhus, one were to call anything a heap of the Advantage, then
it is the Four Foundations of Awareness that one could rightly call this.
For these are verily a complete heap of sole Advantage, that is, these
Four Foundations of Awareness… What four?
1: Awareness of the Body merely as a transient & compounded Form..
2: Awareness of Feelings just as passing emotional Responses..
3: Awareness of Mind only as a group of habitual & temporary Moods..
4: Awareness of Phenomena simply as momentary Mental States..
If, Bhikkhus, one were to call anything an Accumulation of Advantage,
then it is these Four Foundations of Awareness, that one could rightly
call this. For these are verily a pure & massive abundance of Advantage,
that is, these Four Foundations of Awareness… !!!
I didn’t know that you were converting to Buddhism! Neat! ;-)
However, I do believe that these are, for the most part, extremely relevant and important to those who wish to learn and advance themselves in an enlightened fashion. The real question is: What do YOU get from these words?