• Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

My very first post

Well, my page is up and running.

I don’t know why, but I want to share some of me and who I am, and what I learn as I make this journey.

A big thank you to Dominique for her beautiful background and buttons. *hugs* Dom, you did a magnificent job. Thank you for your patience with me. I know that I’m an extremely picky person and certainly you came through for me with flying colors, a beautiful background and everything! Thank you.

Last night I wrote my first poem , well, my first poem that wasn’t part of an English assignment! ;)

I don’t know if it is any good or not, and it certainly is in free verse (I can’t do anything different) but it shows what I was thinking and feeling at the time. I guess that is what poetry is all about.

So, where do I go from here? *soft smile* Well, time will tell. I have many ideas and thoughts on the future, and some things become more and more clear each day.

I am preparing to be separated from my husband. Not by choice, but rather by the will of the US Army. I think that is one reason that I finally made the step from reading about Wicca, to beginning to experiment.

I know that I am going to need all the help I can get in the coming months, but I believe that the Goddess will be there with me and helping me through. I don’t think I could handle this alone.

And thus, I have started, something that feels so right, (yet still sometimes frightens me -being born and raised Catholic haunts me yet). The activities and rituals do not frighten me, it is that She is so near my thoughts lately. I was never a devoted Catholic, but then I was never a devoted anything.

That’s not exactly true, I was always watching and enjoying nature; moonlight, the stary skies, the snow dancing down, and the thunder and lightning. Now that I have learned the reasons for this, it is always in my thoughts. This is unusual for me and yet it feels right, but the slight fear is still there. I’m not sure I understand why.

I believe I will simply continue and sort out my thoughts as I go, writing some down to share, and writing some down that will be kept private.

Obviously, this is my shared thoughts. I will share others as I learn more about my love, my life and my future.

Blessed Be.


I'm Me!

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