My horoscope for today:
Gemini Your words touch others in a profound manner today, so talk and write with great intention. Even if you’re not sure of yourself, you can still make a valid point. As you reach into the powerful depths of your feelings now, you’ll feel more lighthearted than you have felt recently.
I find that interesting because for some reason, today, I emailed, sent messages and spoke on the phone with a LOT of people about various different topics.
If just ONE of them was helped by my words, I am truly gladdened. And I had some good words, some bad words, some thought provoking words for a large number of people. Kinda weird, isn’t it.
My phone rang off the hook tonight. So many calls, so many discussions. How can I go for weeks with no calls and then all of a sudden in one night, so many things happen? (I wrote a blog about this earlier this eve.. LOL If you are curious..) It’s weird. And then, of course, there is this horoscope…
I love the weirdness of my world.
I can’t speak for anyone else, but your words helped me. – Dan
Thanks…. ;)