21 January 2000
This morning is a full moon with an eclipse. So much has happened since I last entered anything to this journal.
First and foremost, I’m pregnant!
This has kept me tired and lazy quite a bit of the time. I have had two recent losses, so I simply spend my time trying to take care of myself and this innocent child within me.
I have cut back on the depths of my rituals, but I have not missed one yet! :)
Most importantly, I have done some thank you rituals, thanking the Goddess for this child! Plus adding some prayers to protect this child.
I have changed a chant that I found on the web. It now goes like this…
Divine Mother
Mother Divine
Protect this child
This sweet child of thine
It gives me comfort when I start worrying about this baby. I am so scared sometimes about losing this one as well. I am at 15 weeks now, but such a long ways to go!
Well, that’s my update for now.. It has been an interesting two months!! :)
It looks like it is going to be cloudy and snowy for the eclipse… *sigh* I really wanted to see it.. but I still have a special ritual for this special night.
Soon I hope to write of this experience and more!!
Blessed Be!