• Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

One of those weekends….

Jun 28, 2008

So, this week has been interesting.
My ex had our son for his birthday, for the first time in two years. It was a good day. Apparently, even the twins and Dessa were able to come!

About 9pm, he called and I was able to wish my son a happy birthday.. and then, of course, he wanted to come home, so I went to get him. My ex had no problem with me doing that.. the day was done.. ;) So, I went to pick him up, got his gifts that he was bringing home, and came back here. He wanted to open the rest of his presents so I let him. It was still his birthday!! :) He got X-Box Legos Indiana Jones from Courtney and a card, Spiderwick Chronicles from me and Star Wars the Complete Saga from Thorik. Aphrodite got him a box of building stuff, (kinda like Legos.) He was very happy!!

I’d wanted to have another birthday party when Michael’s sister, Lisa, came for a visit, but things went so well for her at Michael and Mel’s that she was able to comfortably stay over with them. I’m glad. A bridge was somewhat burnt there, but it looks like it is being rebuilt and I’m glad. Lisa is his only sister that he feels was ever worth anything and it killed him when Lisa took Tracy-bitch’s side. (that was mostly cleared up last year though.. mostly). Either way, Lisa only got him clothes, (which he really needed! He’s growing so fast!!) so there was no need (or time) to give him a second party.

So, my son wanted to have a pseudo party today. Basically, he wanted to put up his water slide. I don’t wanna do that. It’s hard work and tiring.. and it’s not supposed to be too hot today, but.. *sigh* He really wants it.. honestly, though, I don’t think I can do it myself anyway.

Today feels weird. Last weekend, my brother was here. He got to chatting with Michael’s sister and she decided she would come visit, see Michael, meet Mel and their new baby, and see my brother too. Cool. ;)
Anyway, my brother, Aphrodite and I, were all sitting on the back deck chatting, and my brother and I were texting Lisa at the same time. He was talking about going to the lake to a Cove Party the following Saturday (today now) and basically invited Michael’s sister. Interestingly, Aphrodite was sitting right there and he even talked about getting a hotel room with Lisa.

I wasn’t sure if Lisa would come or not, but my brother seemed happy. :) Later that night, he spent a lot of time chatting with Aphrodite. Somehow, in all that mess, he managed to set it up that he will spend Sat with Lisa and Sunday with Aphrodite. *rolls eyes* My brother, the player.

So, now, things feel weird. But I really don’t think it is that. I honestly don’t know. Thorik seemed in a weird mood this morning. Definitely don’t know what is up with that either. My son had his step-brother (Mel’s son) over for the night, so I’ve been a bit annoyed by that.. (He’s a hyper child who doesn’t listen well. Seven years old and can’t read!!! OMG) Keeping my son busy, for the most part, but they don’t always seem to want to do the same thing at the same time. *sigh* Either way, Kevin is enjoying it and that’s all that matters. They keep to themselves, outside or upstairs, so it is only rarely that they come bug me for some silly reason. LOL (I’m on the rag, maybe that’s why I’m so moody?)

So, I want for today to be over. Me? I’m fine.. but I’m picking up stress levels from somewhere.. or is it everywhere.

Thorik, I and the boys did go back over to Michael and Mel’s last night because Lisa bought fireworks and they invited us over to watch. Of course the boys wanted to go. It went well, I thought. Michael was pretty busy setting off fireworks for the most part and the boys played. I sat between Lisa and Thorik with Mel on the other side of Lisa. We all chatted comfortably. :) (At least I thought we did). After the neighbors complained about the noise, Michael came and sat and chatted for a bit. He and Thorik actually talked a bit too. DJ always said I acted different around Michael. I wonder if that is what Thorik picked up.. I don’t notice it.. but perhaps I do. I might fall into old habits. I don’t think they were bad habits, but I do my best to keep the peace. As long as Michael is happy, my son is more likely to be with me. I’m not gonna rock the boat and things will continue going well.

I also continue to strongly believe that Michael will not try to take my son away from me. I got that for a while from people, but since he’s letting our son come home in the evenings, I don’t see that changing. Our son wants to sleep here. He doesn’t mind playing over there, especially while I am at work, but he wants to sleep here. A bit less chaotic, I suppose. After all, 7 kids are a lot. My son makes it 8!! And that’s only if the twins and Dessa aren’t around. LOL I don’t even them a bit! I’m happy with my son (although a daughter prally would have been nice.. but I’m almost 40, now.. so.. I don’t see it happening..)

So, I sit here. Wondering, waiting for the day to be over, to see if Thorik will tell me what’s bothering him, if anything, to see what my brother will do, to see if Aphrodite will change her mind and to hear back from Lisa to see how her day and night went with my brother. LOL

I’m gonna find one of my old vampire books and read.. maybe that will make my day pass better. I can only hope!!

On a positive note, tomorrow will be Thorik’s first weekend-day off since he’s got this job!! Yeah, we gotta mow, but other than that, we are going to enjoy it!!!


I'm Me!

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