This is a creative commons piece, but I’m not here to share it. I’m here to disprove and argue the 80% of this article that is wrong. She calls herself the Empath Expert. I want to know if that is her own “title” or if someone seriously gave it to her because she is NO EMPATH EXPERT.
I think Ms. Stamatinos, like so many other people, are getting Highly Sensitive People confused with being an empath. This happens all the time.
Anyway, here is her article that was just published. I am going to tear it apart and set the record straight.
by Ashley Stamatinos,
Guest writer,
(original article here:
Responses by me, in purple
Is it hard for you to see any benefit in being an Empath? Do you feel being highly sensitive is a problem for you? Most people feel that their heightened awareness or sensitivity is a burden that they want to shut off and quiet. Itâs really important for you to hear how valuable you are as an Empath, and how many wonderful traits you have that set you apart and give you an advantage because you are highly sensitive.
See, it all begins here. She switches Empath with being a Highly Sensitive Person. First sentence, empath. Second and third sentences, HSP. Fourth sentence, back to empath again.
They are DIFFERENT and I cannot emphasize that enough.
When you get a better understanding of your true nature, realize you are not alone, start accepting your heightened sensitivities and then learn the practicable methods in going to share with you, you will be able to gradually identify and release all those pesky internalized false beliefs you have about how there is something wrong with you.
Now this would be great, if she knew what she was talking about.. but she doesn’t… although, there ARE a couple things that aren’t completely wrong. You’ll see.
What if what you believe is wrong about you was your greatest capacity for changing the world and you just donât yet know how to use your natural abilities yet?
I will say that we can change our own corners of the world and the ripple effect of all empaths making a difference can and will change the world, but if you start stressing about something in the next town, state, country, etc., you won’t have enough energy to help where you CAN make a difference
As most of you, or maybe all of you have concluded at one time or another in life, being highly sensitive can be tough. You may feel like no one understands you and no one gives you the sympathy you require when something is difficult for you.
Yes, being a Highly Sensitive Person is tough. So is being an empath. Some things work for both, many things do not. First, you must figure out if you are an empath or an HSP, but that is a different article.
There are actually some great benefits of being highly empathic. Most people put all the focus on the difficulties and donât get far enough in their self-discovery on their own to realize the enormous benefits.
Truth. Too many people see the bad and never look for the good.
Here are the top ten reasons being an Empath is a gift:
1. We are natural healers and can gift healing energy to others through our hands, voices or even by playing a musical instrument. Many Empaths choose to pursue energy healing as they feel an inner calling to heal themselves and others.
No. We are NOT natural healers. This is an additional gift. Not all empaths are healers. Ms. Stamitinos, how do you think people who are empaths but cannot heal feel about their gift when they are unable to heal? Seriously, do you think they feel good that they are failing at your #1 reason that being an empath is a gift? Now, I’m pleased that you have this additional gift for healing because you will probably need to heal a lot of empaths you break by making them expect to be able to heal others. Please. Think about the harm you are causing!!
2. Our heightened sense of smell allows us to enjoy food, beverages, flowers, essential oils, etc. with more intensity. If you work to increase your skill of smell you can also smell death or disease in an animal or a person. This can lead to saving lives.
This is another additional gift OR a sign of a Highly Senstive Person. This is not a trait of an empath, not really, because when you get right down to it, an empath feels Emotions. (Hence the word empathy? It’s emotions. Not smells, not taste, not sensations, but rather emotions that an empath picks up on.)
3. We will sense potential dangers before other people and are more in tune with our sixth sense.
Now you are calling us psychics. No ma’am. Not all empaths are psychics. Do you realize how devastating it is for an empath to think they are psychic and then for something horrible to happen and they start berating themselves because they couldn’t sense it coming????? How does that make them feel, Ms. Stamitinos?
4. Since we feel everything so strongly, we are prone to feeling deeper lows, but also are prone to feeling greater highs than those who are not as sensitive. Most of us have a great enthusiasm for life and experience live and joy with greater intensity and tend to be more kind, understanding, compassionate and caring.
Once an empath learns control, then they reach that point.. until then… *shrug* I know how I feel about life and everything in it, but I’m no “expert”.
5. While many people who are not so empathic feel deeply uncomfortable being alone with themselves, Empaths actually crave a lot of alone time and require it to balance and de-stress. We need alone time to recuperate, and thatâs not a bad thing as we are more self-aware because of this time with ourselves.
6. Empaths are unusually very creative in life with not only art but also experiences, situations, and possibilities. We think differently and see things that others would not be able to conceptualize as easily. This creativity of thought and processing can often be mislabeled as wrong, but itâs actually a capacity of yours.
7. We can read emotional cues and are very emotional ourselves, so we can imagine well what the other person feels and what would happen inside if this person did not have their needs met.
8. Sensitive people are good at sensing all kinds of nonverbal communication and indicators of physical needs and emotions. This gives us a talent for intuiting the unconscious mind and for sensing the needs of those who cannot speak, such as animals, plants, infants, and the human body.
There you go again, switching sensitives with empaths. We can “read” humans. Some empaths have additional gifts that allows them to read plants and animals and anything with energy, but once again, those are additional gifts.
9. We also are much more aware of peopleâs thoughts feelings and emotions, and because of this we can almost always sense when someone is lying to us. We know when someone tells us they are fine, but they really are crying on the inside. Because if our heightened awarenesswe can see through the false facades people up.
10. People can not lie to us without us knowing. Even when someone tries to tell us they are ok but they are not, we see though the facade they put up, and we can feel whatâs really going on under the surface.
Your heightened sensitivity is a gift and not a curse. Remember that your thoughts are things, and what you think is what you create. So, next time you curse your heightened awareness orsensitivity level remember some of these benefits that youâve just uncovered.
Being an empath is a gift. Being a Highly Sensitive Person is a gift. We can all find ways to make a difference in our corners of the world. If you have the empath gift, you are empath enough. Even if you are not psychic, highly sensitive, etc., you are empath enough. There are no levels of being an empath. There are additional gifts.
Here is a link for my blog, More than just an empath
By putting your focus on the benefits of being an Empath, you will be creating a life where your gift is contributing to you instead of draining you.
About the author:
Ashley Stamatinos is a #1 bestselling co-author of multiple books, and is known as the Empath Expert. She has been interviewed on PBS TV and the Lifestyle channel. As a coach, speaker and teacher itâs her mission to empower highly sensitive and empathic adults and children to recognize their sensitivities as their greatest (
I agree…this woman is confusing not just empathy and HSP, but confusing some psychic abilities with empathy! She is NOT an empathy expert and I cringe to think that so many people mistakenly listen to her “advice”.