When I found out that a co-worker was going to raise chickens this summer to process and sell, I jumped at the opportunity!!
When I sent my inquiry, here is what I received back:
Are you interested in some awesome tasting, highly nutritious chicken?
This summer I’ll be raising chickens for meat processing for my family. I’ve done this a few times in the past in the traditional way. This year, I’ll be adopting the grass-fed, pasture raised poultry model. If you’re not familiar with the benefits of pasture raised meats, you can get more detailed info here: http://www.sustainabletable.org/issues/pasture/, here http://www.eatwild.com/basics.html or in Mother and Grit for that matter.
Essentially it’s like this:
Chickens are raised in large, open air pens on pasture and are moved to a new section daily in order to get fresh grass and proteins from bugs, worms etc. They are fed a small grain ration to help supplement their nutrition/growth. This method (as is with all grass fed/finished meats) has proven to be better for developing more nutritious and tastier meats (go here for full details http://www.eatwild.com/healthbenefits.htm ). Not to mention the fact that they’re not loaded with chemicals like most store bought meats.
And of course, the most important thing……they just taste better!
That’s the very basics. There’s much more that goes into it (including the benefits to the pasture). If you wish to know more, feel free to ask.
If you’re interesting in purchasing through me, the going rate in the marketplace for these kinds of pasture raised chickens are $2.99 a pound. Most chickens are processed out around 3-5 pounds. To help cover start up costs, I’d require the number of birds you’d be interested in and eventually a deposit (I haven’t decided yet but it’ll be 50% of the order). These will be sold as whole fryers, not in parts.
I plan on processing a batch (actually, I’d be sending them to a USDA approved processing facility) before the end of June and if demand is there, another batch to be ready in the fall. You’d also be welcome to come and view my raising process if you want to see how it’s done.
Orders of 5-6 chickens have been placed for those who have a regular sized freezer. Those with deep freezes can handle 20-30 chickens. And of course, you can order chickens from each separate batch I do to help with freezer space.
Please place your order as soon as possible so I can get started with the appropriate number of chickens. Deadline for ordering is Wednesday, 4/6/11.
Thanks and here’s to healthy eating!