The following is a quote from an article/ blog from a journal I read fairly regularly.
Figured I should give you a heads up, as, tomorrow is gonna be a crazy day. Be safe! LOL Stay home!!
“Tuesday 14 December. This is the big conjunction I mentioned in the introduction. At 4:05 am retrograde Mercury conjunct Pluto, 4:10 am Mercury conjunct Mars, and at 4:15 am Mars conjunct Pluto. These three planets come together all at 04°41? Capricorn, just 05? from the June lunar eclipse which is still in effect. Marina talked about the personal influence of this eclipse here, and I covered the mundane influence of the fixed star and Pluto at the eclipse degree here. That eclipse was powerful being conjunct Pluto, and now with Mercury, Mars and Pluto all here at once the effect is going to be tremendous. Mercury is our thoughts and communication. Mars is desire, actions, aggression. Pluto is ruthless power and control. Put them all together we get an incredibly potent mix and the effect is not at all sweet or pleasant. Arguments, ultimatums, threats, abuse, banging of fists on tables. This is a bomb with a very short fuse, at best we could hope for powerful decisions and strong statements, profound and forceful actions. At worst we could see verbal temper tantrums or even serious physical injuries. People with planets at 3-6 degrees in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) in their natal charts will feel this influence most strongly.”