From: Styles and Smarts: 31 Days of Wholloween Photo Challenge

The rules are simple:
1) This is just for fun! If you miss a day, don’t feel like you need to make it up unless you absolutely want to.
2) You can participate via any method you wish: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, your own blog. Use the hashtag #31daysofWholloween
3) Pictures can come from any aspect of the Doctor Who universe including New Who, Classic Who, Big Finish, books, magazines, comics, TV spin-offs (Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures, K-9 & Company, etc), specials (Red Nose Day, Children In Need, etc.)
4) The images can come from anywhere, your TV, your computer, whatever you have laying around the house, you decide! If you want to be more creative, go for it!
5) If you want to follow me, I’ll more than likely be participating via Instagram/Twitter
Day 06: Favorite Companion
Day 13: Your Least Favorite Companion
Day 14: Favorite Alien/Monster
Day 15: Best Console Room
Day 16: Favorite Celebrity Guest Star
Day 17: Saddest Episode
Day 18: Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates
Day 19: Favorite Catchphrase and/or Quote
Day 20: Least Favorite Actor and/or Actress
Day 21: A WHO Related Photo You Took
Day 26: Favorite Costume/Outfit
Day 27: Favorite Doctor Accessory (Scarf, Bow tie, Fez, etc)
Day 28: Most Annoying Character
Day 29: Favorite Episode (Classic Series)