We started feeding a couple outdoor kitties in 2019 because we’d already had mice problems in vehicles and mowers but that first winter, although we put up a tarp, I didn’t feel the kitties were protected.
Then along came a couple baby kitties and I was really worried, so, the following summer, hubby built a Kitty Kondo.
Naturally, I wanted it to be purrrfect. Also, I wanted there to be lighting (plus I wanted to be able to see inside, especially if there were kittens!). We found some plexiglass that allowed me to see inside.
We didn’t want it to be fully open, we’d tried that with a plastic tote but I didn’t feel that gave them enough protection (plus the wasps and hornets loved it more than the kitties).
Hubby did a great job, it was large enough to fit him! LOL
To make it difficult for other creatures, we put actual cat doors on it. 3 doors for 3 levels. The top level we figured we could put food to protect it from the weather. The side had a door on the middle level and he built a stand and a overhang. The cats use it to climb up to the top level.
Hubby finished it after the first snow, but before it got crazy. We moved it to the deck by November 2020.
I was worried that the cats wouldn’t be able to figure out the doors, so we tied them open for a while.
Two years later, we found a dog house that we added so that there would be more space for kitties because.. population growth!! LOL
This is Lilo.. Stitches look-alike. I miss her, but it’s been nice having a Main Coon.
2024… we’ll probably need to buy one or two.. but interestingly, there are cute ones available on Amazon now. There wasn’t 5 years ago.. the original one is starting to fall apart, unfortunately.
But, we had a problem and we found a solution and guess what? No mice!! And the kitties stay warm and dry!
This blog is part of a 52 week challenge