• Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Day 23 – Something you wish you had done in your life.

Dec 23, 2010

Day 23 – Something I wish I had done in my life.

Well, first I’m going to point out that I’m not dead so there is still much I can do! :)

One thing I remember is walking around my town barefoot as a kid. I did this alot. :) Hey, it was the 70’s – 80’s in small-town Kansas. What can I say? I mowed my lawn barefoot!! :)

Anyway, I do wish I would have been wearing shoes this one day.
Trains go through Ellsworth a lot. This one in particular was special. It was going slow AND it had an open car. If I had had my shoes on, I would have jumped on that train (and prally had to call my parents or someone from Kanopolis or even further east) but dammit, I coulda said I’ve done it!! Now, that opportunity will likely never happen again.

And that is likely the only missed opportunity that could likely not present itself again in my lifetime.

Otherwise, I’m only 40 something.. I’ve got plenty of life left to do all the things I want to do!

Somethings I might have enjoyed more as a child or a young adult, when I was braver. Jumping out of an airplane, bungie jumping, stuff like that. Daredevil stuff, but who knows, if the opportunity presents itself, I may still give it a go.


I'm Me!

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