This may just be the motivation I need. I know I need to do better, but doing it alone is just so difficult.
I need to eat better. I already exercise (Day 1) but there is much I can do to improve my health.
Now is the time for change, so I might as well take advantage of what is in the stars. A 30 day Challenge to healthy living. Yeah. I did really well on the 30 days of truth I apparently like challenges. This will be great!
The gentleman who is starting this, Jaky Astik, isn’t pushing himself, which feels right to me to. He has reached day 10, so I will take my time as well and maybe or maybe not catch up with him. I think this is a great idea. I wonder if I can get anyone else interested in doing this too. Maybe my new friend Audrey would be interested. :) Our paths are similar right now. *grin*
I’d love to have Drayuh and Maria and of course Neff Neff jump in on this too! Perhaps Crow, Summer, Isis, Heather, and more!! :) Maybe even Ex Libris!! :) This would be such a great adventure, plus, we could reward ourselves with walks, gatherings, trying new organic stuff, etc. Maybe even my herbal lady would help out enough and participate she could join in the fun!! (She’s already a lot healthier than I am.. LOL)
If you wish to join me (us), I’ve created a group on Facebook Healthy Living Challenge Click the Ask to Join Group if you are interested!!
One day at a time. I can do this!!
*hugs* and Blessings