• Thu. Feb 6th, 2025

the SO deadline

Well. Life has gotten exciting again.
Once again, decisions are being made and various posibilities come available… and doors may be getting shut.

Yes, I am talking my SO situation again. xmas the deadline, has passed. The lady refuses to invite me back, but she just said I needed to state my intent to return. Therefore I did. And I am. However, there are still my own stipulations. I will not go if I have my son the weekends of the game. It would be my preference to have the game on the weekends that I do not have my son, but I cannot expect that.

I have made the offer for the group to come here, but no one likes that idea. I have also suggested perhaps playing online for a while until things calm down or until my SO and I move closer. This may happen within the next 6 months to a year.

I have stated, and so it remains. If he goes with out me… Well, I hope Disa is ready for a roomie again. need i say more.

I started work this week! The job’s not bad, but I do have a confession to make. It seems that I am working at a company that spams people. Well, they only spam the government, usually city government, and county government, so that is a little better. At least we don’t spam the world…
Actually, we are web page designers. That is the aspect I want to get to. Right now, I am searching for email addresses for government officials. Fun. AH well, better than Sykes would have been.

I have offered to my ex that I will take care of my son as much as he needs since he is going to be a daddy again soon. He still hasn’t told me the due date, but I am guessing that the child was conceived before they got married on Nov. 1. Time will tell….

Classes aren’t going too bad. The first week is always the worst. I guess we will see what happens there, as well.

Well, that’s all for now.

Blessed Be!!


I'm Me!

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